HARRISBURG – Newly elected Sen. Joe Picozzi (R-5) has been appointed to serve on the influential Senate Appropriations Committee and chair the Urban Affairs and Housing Committee in the 2025-26 legislative session.
The Appropriations Committee reviews all legislation for its fiscal impact and plays a crucial role in negotiating and developing the state budget. Each year, the panel holds a series of public hearings with leaders of state departments and agencies to study the governor’s budget proposal and ensure taxpayer dollars are being used properly.
“I’m excited to be appointed to the Appropriations Committee, where I can work to ensure that taxpayer dollars are being spent responsibly and Northeast Philadelphia is getting the funding it deserves to help our neighborhoods,” said Picozzi.
Picozzi was also appointed to lead the Urban Affairs and Housing Committee. The committee is responsible for reviewing measures related to community revitalization, urban development, public housing and more. The panel also oversees the operations of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
“As the first Republican elected to represent Philadelphia in the state Senate since 1996, I consider urban renewal a pressing issue and want to make sure that improvement of our communities is treated as a priority in the chamber,” Picozzi said.
Picozzi was also appointed to the following committees:
Communications and Technology, which oversees legislative efforts to improve access to high-speed internet in all corners of the commonwealth; ensures valuable personal information is protected and secured in state government; and considers overall state information technology efficiencies and improvement.
Intergovernmental Operations, responsible for reviewing proposals to restructure and streamline state government.
Labor and Industry, which addresses a wide range of issues relating to employers and employees, including Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, workplace safety, building codes and workforce development.
Law and Justice, responsible for reviewing legislation, regulations and policies pertaining to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and the Pennsylvania State Police.
Game and Fisheries, which works with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to manage and protect the commonwealth’s natural resources and considers legislation affecting hunting, fishing and conservation.
Picozzi began his four-year term on Jan. 7.
CONTACT: Sonny Mazzone